Saturday, January 23, 2021

The Kingdom of God & The Kingdom of Men & "Christian Nationalism"

During the past several months,  I have commented on Facebook about a thing called "Christian Nationalism." There has been much talk and concern expressed on the Internet regarding  Christian Nationalism. The Baptist Joint Committee (BJCPA) seem to have gone to seed on the subject. 

The academic definition of Christian nationalism is Christianity affiliated religious nationalism. Christian nationalists primarily focus on internal politics, such as passing laws that reflect their view of Christianity and its role in political and social life.  This is the real definition. However, the BJCPA would have you believe that any definition of Christian Nationalism should include the creation of a theocracy through legislation. 

Jeremie Beller defines Christian Nationalism as "the intertwining of the Kingdom of God with the kingdoms of men."  Tanya Brice says, "It is a form of civil religion that places one’s earthly citizenship above one’s obligation as a follower of Christ."

However, I contend that the term “Christian Nationalism” is at best a misnomer and at worst a deliberate straw man to allow left leaning “Christians” to attack conservative Christians under the cover of exposing them as what academics have labeled Christian Nationalism.

Before I delve into this I want to make it abundantly clear that not everyone who self-identifies as a Christian is in fact a true Christian. Many of these people simply operate in organizations that were either created by Christian people or chartered by Christian bodies such as the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC).

Let me concede up front that there are Christians and non-Christians who are Nationalist and there are Nationalist who are Christian and non-Christian. But the idea of Christian Nationalism is an academic construct (in lay terms a “strawman”) used by those who wish to attack Conservative (Traditional/Orthodox) Christians.  

“Christian Nationalism is an oxymoron in my mind. Christianity is one thing and Nationalism is another. There is no such thing as Christian Nationalism. If the Christian Nationalism construct were anything other than an academic creation by ceasing to be a Nationalist one would also cease to be a Christian. Instead what you get is a Christian who has denounced his Nationalism.

I also refuse to quibble over the fine line difference between Patriotism and Nationalism. I would use these terms thus: “I am a Christian who loves his country (National identity) and is committed to its well-being (a Patriot). In short interchangeably.

I am an American by birth and a Christian by a spiritual new birth and as both an American and Christian I would . . . . 

Fight and die for my country to maintain its independence and borders in spite of its flaws. That makes me a Patriot not a Nationalist though the Nationalist might do the same.

I also believe America is unique among the world’s nations in that from its inception God has had a unique plan for my country.  Christian principles lie beneath many of the founding fathers comments and establishment documents. 

I believe in and support a strong military, secure borders, and the rule of law over the rule of men.

I believe the laws of the land should be built upon the laws of Scripture (Holy Bible) and that standards of morality for the American culture should also be the Scripture (Holy Bible). The Judeo-Christian ethic informs most of our laws regarding behavior and relationships.

I am pro-life and oppose abortion as a means of birth control.

I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman and that gender is determined by biology, fixed at birth and is not a choice.

I hold a Biblical world view which can be summed up as Eschatological Holy History and basically holds that from time to time God acts within history in such a way as to move history in a direction that it would not have gone had he not acted.

Government is not the ultimate authority for my life or the grantor of all might rights. Some rights are directly bestowed by God Himself and as our founders acknowledged these are things like living our lives in Liberty as we pursue a happy and content life for ourselves and our family.

These beliefs do not make me a “Christian nationalist.” They are what make me a Christian, a Patriot who is committed to the national life and integrity of my country.

Let me make it abundantly clear . . . . I am first, foremost, and above all a Christian.  Certainly I love my country and am committed to helping make her the greatest on Earth. However, my country comes somewhere behind my Savior and my family.  My first commitment is to Jesus Christ and His Kingdom. I am not wedded to any political party or to their programs, objectives and/or aspirations. 

Because I believe that the single most important thing in anyone’s life is not political liberty but spiritual liberty. I receive my marching orders from the commands of Jesus Christ. Those commands are global in nature. Jesus commanded that we “go into all the world.” I want all the people of my nation to know Jesus but I also want the rest of humanity to know that Jesus died for their sins and longs to forgive their sins and to give them eternal life.

To be sure I love my country, I want what is best for my country and what I judge best for the country is informed by my Christian faith and the Holy Scripture. I want my country to reflect as much as is humanly possible the moral and ethical values of the Kingdom of God.  Those values are found within the pages of the Holy Bible. That does not mean I want to create a theocracy.

Most of the recent concerns about Christian Nationalism comes from people on the political Left many of whom would self-identify as Cristian socialists. 

The Liberal mind operates out of a world view that sees many of the things the Orthodox and/or Evangelical Christianity. Biblical Christians, as I stated above, reject abortion on demand, gay marriage, gender confusion, etc. all of which are Liberal goals. 

So here is why I contend the very term “Christian Nationalism” is an academic straw man and oxymoron used to attack Conservative Christians:

For a Christian the focus must be on the advancement of the Gospel. Nationalist focuses on the advancement of the politics of the nation.  I once heard a preacher friend respond in class to the question, "What is your name and what state are you from by saying, "My name is Mickey Scott and I was born in Texas but live in the state of grace." I identify myself with that remark. However, a citizen does not loose the benefits of their earthly citizenship because they are or become Christians. We are first and foremost citizens of the Kingdom of God which exists in but is not limited by this world and its kingdoms.

The Christian faith produces loyalty to Christ. Nationalism produces loyalty to the nation above all else.

The Christian faith produces people who are willing to die for the cause of Christ. Nationalism produces citizens who are willing to die for their nation.

The Christian faith proclaims Jesus Christ and promotes his kingdom above all else. Nationalism raises the national flag above all else. The Kingdom of God is eternal while nations are temporary. The Kingdom of God exists within the Nation and is greater than the nation. The Nation is temporal and the Kingdom of God is spiritual. The "Kingdom of God is among you." Matthew 3:2

The Christian faith promotes the interests of God Kingdom as revealed in Scripture. Nationalism promotes the interests of the nation above the Kingdom of God. My first allegiance is to Jesus Christ and no governmental entity, nation, politician or other person will take priority over him . . . . . . Ο Ιησούς δεν είναι ο Καίσαρας.

Beginning with the Prophets in the Old Testament, The Apostles and believers in the New Testament believers have declared the word of the Lord to the nations and their nation in particular. They spoke to the nation and its leadership not for it in their day and believers are obligated to do the same today.

That word sometime could bite and put the believer at risk. Believers have died by the thousands over the years and continue to do so in our day. Not for their government but for their Lord. As believers our job is to call people to repentance and faith knowing that if we are successful in that arena our nation will be a better place to live.

I do believe politics and economics are vital and that to some extent can and in my mind should represent biblical ethics.  However, I believe making disciples and seeing lives change will do more that all the political action we can take to bringing the nation into compliance with the requirements of God’s word on people. The Kingdom of God transcends all nations and ethnic identities.  When God called me to preach the Gospel I received the highest assignment possible as a child of God in the world and that is to preach the Gospel to the people of all nations. 

Although I am both willing to defend my neighbor and die for my nation I see that as a lessor thing than honoring Christ with my life and if called upon to die for His namesake and/or kingdom. I would argue that I am a better citizen not because I am willing to die for my nation, but because of my faith in God. 

We are called to walk in the ideals set forth in Holy Scripture if that happens to coincide with those of our nation then so much the better.  

I implore you as a believer in Jesus Christ to “seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”  

In Christ alone my hope is found,
He is my light, my strength, my song
This Cornerstone, this solid Ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand.
In Christ alone! - who took on flesh,
Fullness of God in helpless babe.
This gift of love and righteousness,
Scorned by the ones He came to save
Till on that cross as Jesus died,
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live.
There in the ground His body lay,
Light of the world by darkness slain:
Then bursting forth in glorious day
Up from the grave He rose again
And as He stands in victory
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me,
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ
No guilt in life, no fear in death,
This is the power of Christ in me
From life's first cry to final breath,
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand
Till He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand.

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