Friday, December 28, 2018

Should a Christian Leader’s Personal Salvation Story Be known?

Only this morning my wife and I were watching a religious broadcast in which a nationally prominent individual in the religious world was leading a throng of people in praise and worship. During the course of the broadcast, for some unknown reason, the thought occurred to me, “I have never heard that person’s salvation story.”  So I asked my wife, “Have you ever heard him tell how and when he became a Christian?”  After some thought she replied, “No, I can’t say that I have I have always just assumed he had one because of what he does.” I replied, “Well, I guess that is what I have done.”

It was this brief conversation that got me to thinking about the place of the personal salvation testimony in regard to our spiritual leaders. It is a given that we expect every person who seeks to lead the body of Christ in its every form to have a personal salvation experience that they can articulate as to the nature and occasion of that experience. However, what I found myself wondering was: How important is it that those who seek a place of leadership articulate that experience to those among whom they minister. Is doing that a part of the “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” (I Peter 3:15)

As I started to seek an answer to that question I began to reminisce about my journey as a Christian and Baptist pastor/preacher.  That in turn brought me to my interaction over the years with all the “Pulpit Committees” (early ministry) and “Pastor Search Committees” (later ministry). I suspect nearly every pastor/preacher who ever served on a church staff will relate to what I want to share.

However, before I talk about my experiences I want to say just a word about the terms “Pastor Search Committee” and “Pulpit Committee.”  I know that many people who lived through the transition from churches using a “pulpit Committee” to seek and recommend a preacher to their church to “Pastor Search Committee” see this nomenclature as merely a change in terminology.  However, I see a little more than a name change. I see an emphasis shift.

When I first began the group that was charged with finding a pastor for the church, especially Baptist churches,  when the pulpit was vacant was called a “Pulpit Committee.” This sentence is key to understanding the term “Pulpit Committee.” In the 1950-70s, the period of time of my early ministry, the pulpit represented the primacy of the preaching of the “Word of God” and the centrality of the Bible in everything the church did. Pastor’s were more frequently than not referred to as “Preachers” not “Pastors.”  As Preachers their primary responsibility was to “Give themselves to prayer and the Word of God” (Acts 6:4 “but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word”).  They were the sole arbiter of who would stand behind the pulpit, often called the “Sacred Desk.”

The pulpit carried the designation of a “Sacred Desk.” for several reasons. First it was where the preacher stood when he declared the Word of God to the people. That is the sacred nature of the gospel made the place where it was declared sacred as well. Perhaps not to the same degree but sacred none-the-less. This is drawn from the fact that at the return of Israel form bondage Ezra stood upon a “pulpit of wood” to read the Word of God to the people. The second reason was a reminder that it has been from behind this desk that the gospel has been preached and read since the foundation of a particular church. It represent s the continuity not of the preachers but the preaching of the Gospel in a church.

Baptists have traditionally placed it in the center of the platform to stress the centrality of the preaching of the Gospel. Others have what we sometimes call a split chancel to stress that the pulpit is for the reading of Scripture and preaching of the gospel and the other is lower in position and for the other speakers and singers in a service. The Pulpit here is the exclusive domain of the preaching and reading of the Word of God.

I have said all of this simply to give flesh to the phrase “Pulpit Committee.” The members of this
committee were primarily charged with seeking the individual they believed God had chosen to preach and teach the Word of God in their church. Hence they were calling not so much a pastor but a preacher.

So what happened to cause us to change the terminology. It is really quiet simple.  Churches were calling preachers when what they really wanted was a pastor. It was often expressed as “calling a preacher when what they wanted was a pastor. It was the recognition that churches generally want individuals who were adequate preachers but superb pastors.  Churches were moving ever so slowly away from the centrality of preaching and the Word of God to a Shepherd of the Flock emphasis. Hence the “Pulpit Committee” terminology has given way to the “Pastor Search Committee” terminology.

Now this has been happening for a long time. Both committees where seeking someone who could fulfill both rolls. Unfortunately no one person can fulfill both rolls at a high level. So the Pulpit Committee would seek someone who could preach well, i.e., a Preacher and was adequate as a Shepherd of the Flock. The Pastor Search Committee would seek someone who was a superb Pastor and an adequate Preacher.

This dichotomy has resulted in many a battle in the church when members begin to want more of one or the other emphasis and their preacher/pastor cannot provide but half the ticket. It is a rare individual who can excel at both. The real solution is to have a preacher to deliver the sermons and word of God and a pastor to care for the flock. This is often derailed by lack of funding.

Now, back to the Personal Salvation testimony. Whether it was a “Pulpit Committee” or a “Pastor Search Committee” every single one of those with whom I was involved started the same way. After a brief time of informal conversation and a prayer for the Lord’s leadership and the guidance of the Holy Spirit the Chairman of the committees would start with, “well preacher lets begin with you sharing your salvation experience with the committee.”

They assumed I was a Christian and they assumed I had experienced the new birth but they wanted to hear me tell about it. That was quickly followed by, “Tell us about your call to preach.” Later that would be broadened to “Tell us about your call to ministry.” I often asked this more contemporary question with, “Well, I can’t say I ever had a distinct call to ministry but I did have a definite call to preach and I am happy to tell you about that.” These two questions would invariably also be asked when I participated in an open question and answer session with the congregation prior to a vote on calling or not calling me to be the pastor of their church.

As I said in the opening paragraphs, I have never heard or read the salvation testimonies of many of our contemporary church leaders. I am not suggesting that they do not have one but I am suggesting that if they are going to lead us in our worship of the Lord we ought to at least know something about the conversion, new birth, becoming a Christian or salvation of those leading us. It would be encouraging; it would be inspiring; it would be instructional; and yes, it would be reassuring as well.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

The Sadness of Some During the Christmas Season

I have seen a lot of postings on FB about families facing Christmas having lost loved ones this year or after many years of marriage. Most are rather dark in nature speaking of the emptiness one feels as they remember Christmases past with those same loved ones and to be sure there is an emptiness that only those who have suffered such loss can know.

Let me begin by confessing that this past Monday morning for the first time in my life my brain was addled and I just couldn’t think. I found myself in that state because my wife of 52 years collapsed as a result of Hyponatremia and both she and I believed she was dying (later at the emergency room of Baptist Hospital) the doctor said in response to my telling him of that fear, “Well, she was.”  I mention this simply to say, it appeared to me that the end of our journey in this life was at hand and it was like a knife being plunged into my soul. She has been my greatest love since the day we met as teenagers in mid 1960's and it seemed as though my very reason for being was leaving.  I tell you this so that you will know why I believe I now have a better appreciation for what those who have lost loved ones experience during family oriented holiday like Christmas.

I am in no way suggesting that we deny those feelings but I do want to suggest that we turn them in a positive direction. To that end I want to offer a few suggestions that might help make the holidays a little brighter for those who miss their loved ones who now reside in heaven.

The first suggestion I learned from Dr. Charles Stanley as he spoke of a practice he adopted when he was spending his first Christmas alone after he and his wife of many years had separated. He spoke of how a wave of aloneness swept over him and he just didn’t want to celebrate what had long been his favorite holiday, Christmas. In response, he sort of shook himself and decided to take some kind of action. So, he sat at the phone and called a friend to wish them Merry Christmas. It felt so good he called another and then another and soon he was feeling better and the spirit of Christmas returned. By the way, this became an annual habit for him.

Here’s what he did. In the depth of his aloneness he turned his thoughts off of his own circumstances and feelings to those of other people. Some close friends and some just acquaintances.  The first call was hard but with each succeeding call it became easier and easier. You do not have to do this but I encourage you to find a way to turn your thoughts away from your own feelings of aloneness toward doing something for someone else.

I also would suggest that we remind ourselves that our loved one is not lost to us. As Christians we know where they are. They are with the Lord. Here is a thought for you to consider: We are both walking with the Lord . . . . we in this world as he holds our hand and walks with us and they in heaven as he does the same with them there. Both we and they are walking with the Lord and thus still walking with each other.  This is why I never speak of my parents in the past tense they are not lost nor have they ceased to be . . . .They just are not here physically.

There is a sense in which their presence is felt at every family gather, such as at Christmas. Oh we don’t save them a chair or set them a place at the table . . . . that would be morbid and maybe a little sick. But though unseen, I feel their presence and in my heart and mind I can see them laughing and singing and whatever along with us. Here is the point, as Christians we may not have all the answers but we do have the promise of the Lord that those who are in Christ never die. I know where they are and slowly but with certainty I am completing the journey God sent me on and making my way to them.

I think I mentioned that I never speak of my deceased loved ones in the past tense. The reason is that they have not passed they have just changed locations. I know where their body is and I know where they are. For that reason and others I try to bring them into the present celebration of Christmas. I do this by making them the topic of some of our conversation. I mention what they loved about the holiday and things they did during holidays. Try keeping a tradition they loved. Perhaps something as simple as reading the Christmas story at a family Christmas gathering. My point, bring them into today's celebration. They are not dead . . . . they have simply gone before you . . . . in God's time you'll see them again.

Finally, focus on the celebration. As the hymn famously says, “God rest ye merry gentlemen let nothing you dismay, remember Christ your Savior was born on Christmas Day.”  Focus on the fact that the events celebrated during the Christmas season is what gives us hope for a happy reunion with that person for whom our heart aches today. What began on Christmas day with the birth of Jesus the Christ, the Son of the Living God, is what makes the pain we feel bearable.

This season, especially, should lift our spirits because it assures us that there will be a happy reunion day for those of us who love God and are called according to His purposes.  We need to stop seeking the living among the dead and look anew each day into the face of him who saved us by His grace . . . even our Lord Jesus.  Our loved ones may not be here but they are not lost to us. They live in our hearts, minds and one day again in our presence as we experience what they already know, namely, what it means to dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

I understand that the feelings of loss and aloneness will linger as they should. Those who have loved deeply and for a long time will always have moments when we feel that aloneness and loss acutely. But as time passes the hope of glory grows stronger and the intensity of the feelings of loss soften.

I learned early in life that happiness like so many other things in our lives is the product of a choice made. I can be freed by the grace of God or I can be a slave to my fears and feelings. . . . . . the choice is mine.  I choose to celebrate at Christmas because I know that one day . . . . .

There will be a happy meeting in Heaven, I know
When we see the many loved ones we've known here below
Gathered on that blessed hilltop with hearts all aglow
That will be a glad reunion day.

A glad day, a wonderful day
Glad day, a glorious day
There with all the holy angels and loved ones to stay
That will be a glad reunion day.

When we live a million years in that wonderful place
Basking in the love of Jesus, beholding His face
It will seem but just a moment of praising God's grace
That will be a glad reunion day.