Sunday, September 6, 2020

National Complacency Will End Badly For America

Complacency with regard to BLM (the Organization not the popular phrase) and Antifa will end in disaster.  

I'll not confuse you with a differentiation between BLM the organization and BLM the popular slogan.  Suffice it to say that the former is a Marxist group who appropriated the slogan of a group protesting criminal injustice. However, since the BLM slogan has now been highjacked I’ll not be making a distinction. Antifa is a Fascist acting Socialist group purporting to opposing fascism while espousing and practicing Nazi based actions. Both groups are destroying major cities in America through violent behavior. 

I also will not be referring to participants in these movements as “peaceful” or even “mostly peaceful” protestors. I know that media such as CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS etc are doing so. I refuse to give legitimacy to the burning of buildings; the destruction of private businesses; the beating, maiming and killing of innocent people, and; their anti-American rants.  

In the Revelation the Lord says, "Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent." (Revelation 2:5). I fear this may well be what is happening in America today. Maybe, just maybe God has said enough to the iniquity of the people of America and he is removing her from her place as one of His “most favored Nations.” 

The clearly local government sanctioned rioting, and that is what it is, has nothing to do with Donald Trump, the Republican and Democrat Parties; or justice/police reform or any other high sounding goals . . . . it is outright anarchy and a move to destroy our capitalist economy and republic form of government in favor of Marxism. It is a movement to rid the country of Christians and all vestiges of the first and second Amendments to the Constitution. 

It doesn't take long for the unimaginable to snowball into a major calamity the like of which no sane person would hope or envision. Just ask the people who lived through the First and Second World Wars; ask the men and women of the Civil War: ask anyone who went to bed one night thinking it will all work out only to discover when they awoke that Ft. Sumpter had been fired upon, that a Duke had been assassinated and that Japan had bombed Pearl Harbor and now their world was turned upside down.  They never saw what was coming and yet the storm enveloped the world. 

I'm going to suggest to the rioters (there are no protesters left just rioters) that if you actually think that what you are doing is accomplishing anything save your own destruction you are mistaken. We will never come around to your way of thinking and your violence will not bring us there either.  You have us too busy dealing with the crises you have created to deal with any of the honest and just complaints others may legitimately have. Those issues will have to wait until the insurrection has been down and one way or another it will eventually be put down. People are already dying because of our forbearance and a few more may die as we finally reach the pivot point.                                                

If we do not act with firmness now sooner or later someone will act in the midst of all this madness in a malignant way and it will set a fire that all the firefighters on Earth will not be able to extinguish. In every journey there is a "point of no return." BLM and Antifa have set us on a journey and we are fast approaching our own national Point of No Return.  Personally I am already there. 

I am ready for the government to do whatever it takes. Whatever it takes, and I mean "whatever it takes." to put an end to the stupidity; and end to the lying; and end to the anarchy; an end to the burning, looting and vandalism; an end to robbing me and my children of our God given rights to pursue a life of happiness.

Brother, your rights to protest, riot or whatever you call what you do, end at my nose.  You are intent on bloodying my nose but unlike the folks on the news reports folks like me punch back harder than we get punched.  From my chair it is high time to punch back as a nation.  "Surely the churning of milk brings forth butter, and the wringing of the nose brings forth blood: so the forcing of wrath brings forth strife." (Proverbs 30:33) or as someone stated it plainly, "he that thrusts strongly teats to draw out milk, thrusts out butter; and he that smites greatly draws out blood; and he that stirs up anger brings forth discord." (Wycliffe Bible)

Reasonable people know all this. Even BLM and Antifa know it. But, that is the goal of both Antifa and BLM. That point of no return is the goal of both Antifa and BLM. That is precisely what BLM and Antifa know and are working toward. They want the peace disturbed; they ant jobs lost; they want people hurt and killed.  They hate this country and her good people so much that they are willing, no anxious and excited, to see her go down. They want our national collapse. There is no reasoning with them. 

Until the old snake is dead there will never be peace or unity.  The serpent's head must be severed or we will become so entangled that we may be devoured as a nation. By a strong and effective blow today we will avoid a disaster like that which Lincoln confronted.

Somehow they have swallowed to notion that out of the ashes of what they have destroyed a Phoenix will arise. Will someone one please tell them that the rise of the Phoenix is a myth.

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