Monday, March 9, 2020

The Coronavirus: The Crippling of an Industry

I know that being critical of the media and the government regarding the cruise industry is like spitting into the wind but here goes anyway.  The truth is all the hyperbolic reporting and CDC warnings that border on "shouting fire in a crowded theater" is severely wounding one of the most successful industries we have. Not only so, but just as important they are mindlessly ripping the livelihood of multiple thousands of people to shreds.

I have been young and now I am old. I mention that simply to say I have lived through just a whole bunch “medical crises.” I have seen epidemics come and I have seen them go. I cannot remember a time when influenza of some variety hasn’t plagued us. Each one was taunted as the one which was going to end our civilization as we know it.  These things are are a part of being human. To be alive is to be at risk.

I do not say that to be a pessimist. Quite the contrary. I am an optimist. I believe this too will pass. Ny concern is with the damage the panicked response of the media and the government. The media is hyperventilating and the government is over reacting. The media is also speaking with multiple voices thereby sending an uncertain message leaving people confused and afraid. The government is overextending the quarantining of people groups rather than individuals. They quarantine whole ship loads of people and not just those who test positive.  All of this has a ripple effect throughout the economy further compounding the problem. Add to that the oil crises created by Russia and Saudi Arabia being unable to agree on oil prices and suddenly a strong economy is suddenly anemic.

Nearly 500,000 people in some form or fashion owe their livelihoods to the cruise industry. It is far more reaching than just a big ship with a large crew and a bunch of passengers. It is food suppliers, fuel suppliers dock workers, transportation companies, hoteliers, and local tour operators, restaurants and much, much more.

People, don't throw away your common sense. Look at the facts not the hyperbole coming out of  news media personalities. These people are probably not as smart as you and I and yet they prattle on as though they were authoritative. Same holds true for all the non-authoritative healthcare professionals.

We know that more people will die from the annual influenza than from this virus and do every year and still on 43 percent of adults get an annual flu vaccination. Still, because it has been designated “a new virus” and given an exotic name people are rightfully concerned. Add to this the hyperbolic reporting that leads people to needlessly panic and that results to them making irrational decisions.

If our governmental, political and health care professions really cared about these viruses they would have had a cure for the "common cold" years ago. It too is a virus and as I understand it belongs to the same family group as this “new plague.” It would probably provided a jumping-off place for a vaccine or maybe even a cure.

The truth is, if we continue to respond to this virus the way that we have thus far we are going to see our economy go down in flames.  You simply cannot hide from a virus as though it were a thief in your house. Sooner or later, sick or well, people must get on with living . . . . the wheels of industry must not be allowed to grind to a stop.

According to, anonymous sources within the government said Vice President Mike Pence and the team assigned to handle the U.S. reaction to the coronavirus outbreak are reportedly considering an advisory for some or all American travelers to temporarily avoid taking cruises.

The effects of this virus are different in different population groups. Young and otherwise healthy older people generally feel no or at worse very mind effects from the virus. In fact, we are told, that many, many people will attract the virus and never know they have it. It will come and go totally un-noticed. These people should go on with their lives almost as though nothing were happening. Again, they should use their common sense and practice good hygiene . . . . something they should be doing anyway.

Indeed, if you are in relatively good health and can get away on short notice now would be a great time to take a close in cruise. Prices and amenities will never be better and the risk of the dreaded coronavirus is low and even if you do get it the effects a generally light.

However, elderly people, people with underlying health issues like COPD or have compromised immune systems should also use “common sense and caution.” But that is true for this group of “at risk” folks whether planning a trip to the grocery store or when planning a trip on a cruise ship.  If you fall into this group the virus may well exacerbate your already exisiting condition.

There is a reason why our doctors constantly ask older patients about flu and pneumonia shots. Those us who are older know from experience it takes us longer to get over anything health related. This is especially true for anyone but elderly people who have underlying health issues.

I am 73 years old and in relatively good health and I can tell you for certain that I wouldn’t hesitate to take a cruise tomorrow. To be perfectly honest I am more concerned about the quarantine process than I am the virus.

This virus will, as it must since we haven’t bothered to find cures for these kinds of things, run it’s course and pass into history. It remains to see what kind of cruise industry survives the exaggerated  negative publicity. It is clear to me that in the short run my income and that of travel agents and travel suppliers have taken a serious hit. It is also clear that if the media and the government continue down the quarantine road those losses will become catastrophic.

1 comment:

  1. The scare mongers have no concern for the lives they impact or even ruin. This is being driven by a media and Democrat party who will use ANYTHING to hurt Pres. Trump. Remember that with socialist the end always justifies the means.
