Thursday, January 22, 2015

Burn Out or Rust Out . . . Why Do Either?

Most of the people who know me know that I spent the first 40 years of my working life as a preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a pastor of Baptist churches. When I preached my first sermon in my home church back in 1965 men went into "The Ministry" because of a sense of being specifically and personally "called" by God to that task. We were often counseled, "If you can do anything else in life with a clear conscience and at the same time be happy do it."  The point being that if you could do that then you probably weren't "God called" to ministry.  

Men did not go into "The Ministry" because they liked people; or because they wanted to help people; or because someone said they'd make a good preacher. Men went into ministry because they genuinely believed that was God's will for their life and would almost always refer to Jeremiah 20:9  when speaking of the compulsiveness they feel in regard to what God has called them to do.  "But if I say, "I will not mention His word or speak anymore in His name,  'His word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.'" 

Now, in 2015, fifty years after I preached that first sermon, I still believe that the fundamental criteria for being a Minister of the Gospel is a sense of being personally and specifically "Called of God" to that task. All of the other requirements are perhaps helpful and maybe even desirable but only the sense of "God Called" is essential.  Any man who assumes the office of  a Minister of God and does not have a sense of being God called is even if sincere deceived.  

I don't say that to minimize education, training and personal concern and love for people. I say it because becoming a Minister of the Gospel is not something a man chooses to do. It is something for which God selects him. If God calls a man to be His minister He will equip him for the task and place him where He wants him to do that ministry. 

Truth is, no man in his right mind would want to take on the task of speaking to the church on behalf of God and to God on behalf of His people unless God has specifically called him to that task. The task of Prophet/Priest is simply too demanding mentally, spiritually and physically to undertake it without the assurance that God put you in that position and will empower you to discharge that calling. 

During a discussion of the demands on the Minster of the Gospel I once heard a pastor friend say, "I'd rather burn out than rust out." My response, "Why do either?" He meant that he had rather be busy doing all that he could do and not being so inactive that nothing would get done. "Burn Out" is the result of a silent enemy that will drain a pastor of physical, mental and spiritual energy.  

But there is good news . . .You are not called by God to be Superman . . . Burn Out does not have to happen. What follows is my advice to anyone who has been called of God to preach the Gospel . . .to be the prophet/priest to one of God's congregations. If I have learned anything over 50 years of ministry it is that I will never get everything done.

 I will start by suggesting that if the man who assumes this office does not already have a system in place for personal spiritual renewal that he start one. A time for daily meditation on God's word wherein he allows Scripture to speak to him personally and not just for sermon ideas. In short first and foremost the man of God must takes his own personal spiritual vitality seriously. This includes having a colleague with whom you can share your heart needs and burdens.  Develop a small circle of real and close friends. 

Second, find a time, a place and a way to maintain your physical stamina. Exercise regularly; don't neglect vacation time and family time; and maintain a social relationship within the community. Take at least on day a week off. 

Another area that demands his attention is his family. Never put the needs of the church ahead of the needs of your family. Your family is your first area of responsibility.  God will take care of His church and He expects you to care for your family. Paul addresses this in First Timothy 5:8 where he says, "But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel." 

I would also advise developing a positive attitude if he does not already have one. A negative and/or argumentative attitude only alienates those to whom you are called to minister. Any pastor who s always critical, negative or argumentative will find himself in a constant state of conflict.  

The man of God should never stop learning. He should be growing in his knowledge and understanding of Scripture; he should be constantly discovering the needs of his people and congregation; he should be abreast of what is happening in his community; and he should continually be growing in spiritual maturity. 

Lastly, regarding his ministry he should develop a plan, set goals, work the plan and measure his progress. This will enable the pastor to pace himself, get things done, and maintain his physical, mental and spiritual health.   

The God Called Pastor does not need to burn out or to rust out if he follows the advice of the Apostle Paul who said, "Let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God" 

Remember you are called to preach the whole counsel of God, reflect and demonstrate the love and grace of God, evangelize the unsaved and disciple the family of God (the church). You are not called to be God.

1 comment:

  1. Great Insight as usual...I believe these same principals can be applied to all Christians in their walk with God..As strange as it seems, I feel God called me to be his servant in whatever vocation or job I may have at the time.I don't see that he asked me to be 'perfect', but that I should strive for excellence in everything I do 'as if I were doing it for Him personally'...In my service as Tax Collector for the City of Pasadena, one thing that I believe helped me was seeing my work as an extension of my christian beliefs, in that I believed everybody should be treated with dignity and integrity...God put me where I was to be 'salt and light' and to see my work as a part of my worship of God. At the end of the day, I tried to be more conscience of 'what Jesus would would think of performance, rather than my piers.That's what motivated me to constantly be adequately prepared for each day; mentally,emotionally, physically, and most improtantly, spiritually..Thanks again..and God is still using your witness and 'teaching of His word' to assit many of us daily..God Bless..
