Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Mr. Pogo You Were Right.

I recently read the original text of Grover Norquist's anti-tax pledge that many (too many for my liking) members of Congress have signed. Keep in mind, these members of Congress did not sign the redacted version of this pledge. Oh no, they signed the original document. By so signing they reveal a great deal about about their common sense, intellectual acumen and moral bankruptcy

If they had simply signed a pledge to oppose tax increases I would have no major complaint. However, when they signed the document they revealed much about themselves. Here's the deal. At the time your and my Congressional representatives signed this document it opened with an erroneous and egregious series of paragraphs on slavery asserting blacks under slavery were better off as families than they have been since Obama became President. It went on to assert that these slave homes were homogeneous with both a father and a mother in the home.

This is just plain wrong. Nothing could be further from the truth. By signing the "tax pledge" they are saying they were in agreement with this poppycock. In short, they just created some new history (nothing new these days). Why would anyone sign a pledge that contained such tripe? Do you suppose they even read the thing? If not, that is even more egregious.

But putting that part of this aside I still have to ask, Why would anyone with half a brain sign a pledge to do something no matter what happened in the world they would stand pat. Reminds me of what a psychiatrist friend of mine once said about counseling youth. He said, "It's true they have all of the answers but they don't know any of the questions." To these folks it doesn't matter there's a war going on; doesn't matter that their own parents and grandparents get thrown under the bus; doesn't matter that we will be driven deeper into recession or what has actually become depression for about 15% of the population just so that they can keep some commitment they made to some guy in Minnesota. In my book you must understand the problem before you tout a solution.

I used wonder how we got where we are as a nation. Well, I no longer wonder any more for I have found the answer I've been searching for. We got where we are because the people who are in the driver's seat are the ones who sign documents like this one. We got here because we elected these dopes. Indeed Mr. Pogo, we have met the enemy and you were right, "he is us."

Come election day I will be voting for a pragmatist and utilitarian and not an idealog or someone who is so much of a dufus that they would become a slave to someone else's ideas.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is well documented that members of Congress do not read much of what they sign. If that pragmatic utilitarian would step forward he would have my vote. But of course if he is pragmatic he would NEVER run for public office would he. Phyllis
