Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I Love You Mom

I was sitting at my desk with the computer screen on to my Facebook News Wall when I began to notice how many people were beginning to post things reminding me and a few hundred of my closest friends that Mother's Day is fast approaching. There are admonitions to send cards, make phone calls, take mom to dinner and a number of folks just encouraging us to tell mom we love her.

As I read them I thought to myself, "I wish I could tell her just one more time that I loved her. There is an old saying from the farm that says, "Make hay while the sun is shinning." It simply means get something done while you have the opportunity. Now that's what I am suggesting to those of you who are blessed to still have your mother living. Do some of those things being suggested on my Facebook Wall. Send some flowers, a card or take her to dinner . . . heck, do all three. But let me tell you something important. What she really wants is to see your face and hear your voice and if your eyes are showing it and your lips are saying it the "I love you mom" will be music to her ears.

My parents had a hard time having children. My mother had an RH negative blood factor that made carrying a baby to term all but impossible back in the day I was born. It also put the mother's own life at serious risk. I recall my father telling me that I should never forget that "your mother walked through the valley of the shadow of death to bring you into this world." Indeed she did it by choice. The doctors tried to talk my father into letting them end her pregnancy as they were fearful for her life. I shall remember forever his answer as it was related to me years later. He said to the doctor, If you end her pregnancy you might as well go ahead and kill her because loosing this baby will do just that."

I don't know if a baby was ever born that was loved and wanted more than I was. Even my name reflects how my mother felt about me. She named me David Alan the meaning of which is my beloved darling.

My being born alive was perhaps the happiest day of her life. She had already lost twins whom she had carried almost to full term. So when I let out that wail as I entered this old world it was sweet music to her heart. I was then and all of her life God's special gift to her. Now mind you I never felt like she treated me in any particularly special way but she let me know in a thousand ways I was special. I wish every child in America could know just how special they are.

Yep, all that posting on Facebook got me to thinking about my mom and how much she loved me. I was with her when she died and just before she passed into eternity she looked me in the eye and told me, "I love you" and I replied back, "and I love you too Momma" and with that she joined the rest of the family in God's forever kingdom. Sometimes when for some reason she is on my mind I find myself whispering the words "I love you mom"and I can hear her voice saying back "I love you to son." I am thankful to God for the mother to whom he gave me.

I also am reminded that there is another mother in my life who loves me every bit as much as did my momma and that is my wonderful and beautiful wife, the mother of our four children. Which reminds me to say to those children, "don't forget to call your mother she wants and needs to hear your voice.


  1. Wonderful, wonderful. I love you. Phyllis

  2. so very wonderful. I too wish I had my mother, to be able to tell her that I love her, even to go to her grave and just say the words that I love her, would be great. Yes , it is all to sad that we have to remind our children to give her a call not just on mothers day as well.
    thanks my brother in Christ.

  3. Very touching story & amazing way to discribe the endless love you had for your mom & now your wife. Just wanted to tell you it means alot to read your story. Thank God I still have my mom in my life and absolutely know how much her kid's love means to her. If the day comes when she goes home to be with the Lord before me-I will never have any regrets of saying "I wish I would have shown more of my love & support to her.." God bless you & your family Mr. Applebee!!
