Monday, November 22, 2010

TSA's Dog and Pony Show

I recently read an article by recently retired airline pilot Robert Herbst entitled TSA's Dog and Pony Show. (To read his article go to In the article he clearly defends the need for airport security but says what we have in TSA is nothing short of a poorly managed and out of control government jobs program which is costing billions of dollars in tax payer money and at the same time giving TSA employees the power/right to grope your body and harass anyone they choose without legitimate reasons or repercussions for doing so. I might add that failure to comply can result in serious complications for the person being subjected to these invasions of person.

In response to these charges top TSA officials simply reply (1) that rules and regulations (not law) allow them to do body searches no matter how invasive they are and that (2) only a small portion of the flying population will be subject to these searches.

So much for the "land of the free and the home of the brave." Little by little we are being moved by our fear. One thing FDR got right was that the "only thing we have to fear is fear itself." As we give way to our fears we find ourselves sacrificing not only our freedom but also our Constitutional rights.

I just finished listening to John Pistole, head of TSA and Janet Nepolitano, head of Homeland Security and Pistole's boss essentially say that safety must always comes before privacy, freedom and rights (I assume both human and constitutional rights). I also heard the Secretary of State say she would avoid such searches. My guess is she like the two other officials and all Senators and Congressmen are exempt from such searches. So she probably has little to worry about in this regard.

This is not just an issue of inconvenience or privacy. It goes to the core of our American heritage. It is not just striping our clothing from us but the very things that make us unique people in the world.

Where would we be today if our founding father's had caved in to their fears of the British hangman's noose and failed to form this more perfect union we call the United States of America or our forefathers and fathers had refused to defend our constitution (Nation) against aggression because they were afraid? We simply cannot allow government to use our fear of terrorist to rob us of our rights.

And as for the argument that only a few people will have to go through these searches I can only quote Jesus when he said, When you have done it unto one of these the least of my brethren you have done it unto me." And we need to remember the famous warning of Martin Niemoller, "When the Nazi's came for the communist I remained silent for I was not a communist; when they locked up the Social Democrats I kept silent, I was not a social democrat; When they came for the trade unionists I did not speak out, I was not a trade unionist; When they came for the Jews I remained silent, I was not a Jew; When they came for me there was no one left to speak out.

I want as safe a flying environment as can be had. At the same time I want that safety to come as the result of effective and sane procedures and not the "Dog and Pony Show" with which we must now contend. The cost of freedom is eternal vigilance. We must watch our enemies closely but we must also keep a mindful eye on well intentioned friends lest we cease to be "the land of the free and the home of the brave."

What are your thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. Hello David,
    I agree with you completely! The US citizens have lost their fighting spirit. If they would all stand together, the government could do absolutely nothing. They are basically cowards, along with the jack booted cops and TSA gropers. We left the US seven years ago and would never return until the government was taken back by the people and not the scum that has been voted as president or the rest of the government parasites that are dead set on taking away all of our rights.

    Living in different countries of South America, the crap that the US citizen puts up with would never be tolerated. In Buenos Aires, Aero Alinas began canceling flights as the airline employees decided to go on strike. The terminal was full of waiting passengers who began to tear the terminal apart! The cops ran, (which is normal for cops unless they out number you 10 to 1) and the passengers basically wrecked the terminal, busting up the airlines equipment and kicking the hell out of the employees!

    You would never see this in the US as the people have no fight in them at all and a very similar to sheep. They lose rights constantly and still walk around with a retarded look on their faces! What will it take to arose these poor wankers?

    Remember that only about 12% of the population fought to over throw the British Government in the American Revolution! I doubt that you would find that many to do the same in the US today.


    Dave Kropelnicki
